Our Story

Hi good people.  We are SANA.  A simple, natural skincare brand, handmade with love and care.


I’m sure you have read plenty of stories of skincare brands that started out by people who could not find solutions to their skincare woes.  We also had a similar story with our founder and creator. 


In a nutshell, our creator’s skin was destroyed by harsh medicines that were prescribed by doctors, from the age of 4. They were too strong for a young child’s skin and her skin deteriorated over time, became weak, unhealthy, and sensitive to just about everything around her.  After a bad experience as an adult, our creator decided to take matters into her own hands and turn to her culture for guidance using ancient old natural remedies.  People started noticing an improvement in her skin and they also wanted her to find solutions for some of their own skin issues.  So, after signing up for a cosmeceutical diploma, and with lots of research and volunteers to try her formulations, the SANA skincare range was born! :)


SANA is all about putting the best ingredients in a bottle or jar to give you the best results for your skin.  We may not have all the fancy bells and whistles yet like all the other skincare brands, but we are honest and transparent about what goes into our products.  That means we select only the best sustainably sourced ingredients for our skincare.  In addition, both our ingredients and our final product are free from chemicals and have not been tested on animals.

So, you might be asking yourself, so what’s so different about SANA compared to other natural skincare brands out there?  Well, if you’re looking for a simple, effective, skincare range that delivers results with the best ingredients nature has to offer, you will enjoy using SANA.  SANA Skincare Works! ;)